DIAGNOdent is a modern, evidence-based, cavity detection device. It uses laser technology to detect bacteria in the grooves of your teeth. In comparison to the the traditional method of detecting cavities still taught in dental schools today, it doesn’t matter who uses DIAGNOdent, the dentist, hygienist or dental assistant; the readings are always consistent. Most of us are familiar with old-school ways of using a dental pick, and pressing it into the grooves of the tooth to see if it sticks; unfortunately, there are many variables with this technique: For example, how hard to press the dental pick? How sharp is the dental pick? This leads to different results every every time…DIAGNOdent assures consistent cavity detection results;every time.
Early Detection = Treatment with NO DRILLING
Using these modern devices, we can detect infections in the grooves even before they start to form a cavity. At this point, the bacteria can be treated with ozone. If the bacteria is killed, then no cavity is ever formed. This is a big part of our overall philosophy; it is not always necessary to treat a cavity by drilling.